The following issues should be paid attention to when the rubber hose is stored: storage time, temperature, humidity, light, ozone, environment, electromagnetic field, stacking method and so on. Today, I will introduce 3 things that should be paid attention to.
- Storage time
A rotation plan system should be adopted to minimize the storage time of the rubber hose.
If long-term storage cannot be avoided and the following recommendations cannot be followed, the rubber hose should be thoroughly checked before use.
- Physical storage conditions
Rubber hose must be stored away from mechanical pressure, including excessive stretching, compression, or deformation, and from contact with sharp or sharp objects. The rubber hose should be stored in a suitable bracket or placed on dry ground. Coiled hose must be stored horizontally. Rubber hose should not be stacked. If the stack cannot be avoided, the stack height should not permanently deform the hose at the bottom. As a rule, try to avoid rubber hose wound around posts or hooks. If they are shipped in straight pipes, it is recommended that they be stored horizontally without bending.
- Contact with other materials
Rubber hose shall not be in contact with solvents, fuels, oils, lipids, unstable chemicals, acids, disinfectants, or general organic liquids. Moreover, rubber of any kind can be damaged by contact with certain materials or mixtures, including manganese, iron, copper and their alloys. Rubber hose should avoid contact with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or wood or cloth impregnated with miscellaneous oil.