The quality of the fire hose is very important. In purchasing, you must understand the structure of the hose, the materials, durability, kink resistance, ease of cleaning, packaging and storage. And whether the hose quality test is up to standard.
We listed the top fire hose suppliers in the table below. They are experts in identifying fire hose diameters, jackets, coatings and linings. And can advise the length you need. Table 1 lists United States fire hose suppliers ranked by annual revenue. Table 2 identifies the key players in the global fire hose market.
US companies hold a significant market share. Company size is an important indicator of meeting customer needs, providing the required products and services. Table 1 below contains the top US companies. Annual revenue shown is in millions of dollars. The table also shows the company location, starting time, and the number of employees. From these figures you can get an idea of the size of the company.