Steam hose is a flexible rubber hose, generally used in industrial production. This kind of hose is for cooling water, engine water, food process, especially hot water and saturated steam in dairy plants. Steam hose is a device that uses steam energy for transmission and conversion. It transmits high temp and high-pressure steam to equipment that needs to be heated or driven.
Transport chemicals
Flexible steam hose can transport various chemicals, such as acid, alkali, salt, etc. These substances can be corrosive and dangerous. Steam hoses provide a safe delivery method to avoid chemical leaks.
Chemical plant process flow
Steam hoses play an important role in the process flow of chemical plants. For example, EPDM steam hose supplies high temp and high pressure steam to reactors and boilers. This steam is to drive turbine, heat reactant or perform chemical reaction.
Insulation of thermal equipment and pipes
Steam hoses are also used for insulation of thermal equipment and pipes. By wrapping steam hoses around pipes, you can reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency.
Chemical reaction control
During some chemical reactions, steam is required for temperature control or reactant dilution. Steam hoses can provide precise temperature control and flow regulation. Then this ensures the smooth progress of chemical reactions.
Industrial cleaning and disinfection
High pressure steam hose is ideal for industrial cleaning. High-temp steam kills bacteria, machine surfaces and inside pipes.